Remote joystick

janvier 18, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

Need to Make a Touchpad with Microcontrollers? Here it is, Without Further Components

janvier 18, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

« Bacia de Santos » Pre salt Bassin – The Oil Industry that Never Actually Arrived to Sao Paulo Coast

septembre 4, 2011

In September 2011, the Santos Petrobras Business Unit has just changed its designation Petrobras’ Business Unit to Petrobras’ Operational Unit  – from UN to UO on Portuguese spell.  It may signs that the money flow may pass by São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro instead of Santos (it did happen), which leaves only some technical […]

Life decision: Improve people’s lives

septembre 4, 2011

Last week, I decided on a number of things. So I had the same thinking about the people around me. This text revolves around my personal life and project management techniques. Personal life I lived with my two other brothers in Santos, Sao Paulo, in an apartment ceded by my father. This was somewhat a […]

Kind of poetic these days

juillet 13, 2011

The English version follows. « Às vezes colocamos óculos escuros para esconder nossos olhos dos outros, e não do sol. Muitas vezes, o utilizamos até para esconder-nos de nós mesmos. Eu acreditando que estava protegido, não percebi que a claridade do dia vinha de cima, de fora, do céu, e fazia meus olhos refletirem nos meus […]

Why I should have an iPhone?

mars 28, 2011

Personally, I am(was) a Nokia phone fan. But most phone applications are designed for iPhones. OVI’s Nokia store has apps, but not even a tenth of the variety offered in the Apple Store.My partner and friends have iPhones or would like to have it. But once I am(was) a Nokia fan, I think that the […]

AR Drone – Creativity and iPhones

mars 28, 2011

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

Sometimes Sharing, Sometimes Super, Othertimes OK

mars 28, 2011

Hi, world! For starting our conversation,  I believe that my experiences may improve significantly lives’ of many others. More important than that, I have friends and colleagues that are really great at knowledge and helping people to thrive! That said, I invite people having common goals to subscribe as authors, mainly on existing categories. Please, […]