«Bacia de Santos» Pre salt Bassin – The Oil Industry that Never Actually Arrived to Sao Paulo Coast

By admin, septiembre 4, 2011

In September 2011, the Santos Petrobras Business Unit has just changed its designation Petrobras’ Business Unit to Petrobras’ Operational Unit  – from UN to UO on Portuguese spell.  It may signs that the money flow may pass by São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro instead of Santos (it did happen), which leaves only some technical staff based in Santos if their CAPEX is not further downgraded.

This was a pivotal moment to the region, diving the region in a long-term crisis and dystopia in Real Estate prices around Santos and region. The impacts such political moves were felt, at least, up to 2020.

Santos prepared itself for the forthcoming of Petrobras and Oil-related companies. Big players, vendors, suppliers. In the end, all of this prepared infrastructure has never been used. Most facilities are currently abandoned and local commerce is struggling to survive.

An oil platform at sight

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