Prioritizing in XXI century

By admin, February 25, 2018

On the track of the previous article, I was fortunate for finding and watching this video on YouTube.

Overall, it takes the question of how we are training for prioritizing, the urgent and important tasks.

Natural Time Multipliers think like this: “What can I do today, that would make tomorrow better?”

“What can I do right now, that would make the future better?”

Multipliers realize that next generation time management techniques has much more to do with what you don’t do, than what you do do.

Multipliers realize that perfection is achieved not only when nothing more can be added, but when nothing more can be taken away.

Eliminate + Automate + Delegate + Procrastinate + Concentrate:

Can I eliminate this? Can I automate the task?

Can I delegate the task to somebody else?

– “…Why don’t you train someone else to do it?”

– “Well, because they just can’t do it as well as I can.”

That may be true once, maybe twice, but it is only true absent the significance calculation. If you think longer term, you realize they’ll be able to master the task, just like you were.

Give yourself the permission of imperfect, for a little while. Because over time, they’ll be able to figure it out.

If you can’t eliminate, automate, or delegate a task, that task drops out the bottom of the funnel, at that point, there’s only one question, and that question is: “Can this wait until later?”

If the task must be done now, then that’s what we call “concentrate”.

It’s all about focus, and eliminating distractions. If the task can wait until later, then that’s not eliminate, automate or delegate, that is what we call “procrastinate on purpose”.


I would like to share the the well-known work of my university class mate, Christian Barbosa, whose developed techniques on the subject that led him to become a serial entrepreneur, angel and a top Brazilian consultant on the matter.

Here is a link to his most famous book. The link brings you to a Brazilian-Portuguese website.

Link for one of his companies I saw growing